How to Formulate a Research Question, Hypothesis and Objective for a Clinical Study?

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Sada N. Dwivedi


A research study mainly addresses a specific research question (s) which is to be primarily answered
after completion of that clinical study. As such, the considered research question decides the hypothesis
of the study. Ultimately, the hypothesis of a study determines the objectives of that study. Generally, a
study’s planning also relies on the primary research question/objective of that study. Keeping in view
of the pivotal role of these facts, the present write-up aims to briefly address important issues while
deciding the research question, hypothesis and objective (s) of a clinical study.

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How to Cite
Dwivedi, S. N. . (2023). How to Formulate a Research Question, Hypothesis and Objective for a Clinical Study?. Central India Journal of Medical Research, 2(03), 3–7.