What are the Major Sampling Methods to Obtain a Representative Sample for a Clinical Study?

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Sada N. Dwivedi


Considering the need for genuine generalization of observed findings under a clinical study among the target study population, it is essential to conduct the study on a representative sample from the study population. Along with focusing on the honest following of each of the major steps required under research methodology for a clinical study, it becomes essential to use an appropriate sampling method to ensure the representativeness of the study sample. In other words, the study sample should ideally consist of major characteristics of the study population, especially those expected to influence study findings. For this, the focus of the present write-up is to briefly describe major sampling methods so that researchers can easily be aware of them and choose one of the feasible and appropriate sampling methods for their clinical study.

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How to Cite
Dwivedi, S. N. . (2024). What are the Major Sampling Methods to Obtain a Representative Sample for a Clinical Study?. Central India Journal of Medical Research, 3(01), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.58999/cijmr.v3i01.159


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